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Italian Sunday Sauce with Sunday Sauce!


Written by Admin


Italian Sunday Sauce, also known as “Sunday Gravy,” is a cherished tradition in Italian-American households, evoking the warmth and nostalgia of family gatherings and hearty meals. This rich and flavorful sauce is typically made by slow-cooking a variety of meats—such as beef, pork, and sausages—in a tomato-based sauce, allowing the flavors to meld together over several hours. The result is a deeply savory and robust sauce that is perfect for serving over pasta or as a base for other Italian dishes.

Sunday Sauce is more than just a meal; it’s an experience that brings families together. The process of making this sauce is often a communal activity, with family members gathering in the kitchen to contribute their own touches and secrets to the recipe. The long cooking time not only enhances the flavors but also fills the home with an inviting aroma that signals a special meal is being prepared.

Traditionally served with pasta, Sunday Sauce can also be enjoyed with crusty bread or used as a topping for Italian-style subs. It’s a versatile and satisfying dish that embodies the essence of Italian comfort food, making it perfect for sharing with loved ones. Whether you stick to a classic recipe or add your own twist, Italian Sunday Sauce is a beloved staple that celebrates the joy of cooking and eating together.


1 libra de carne molida
1 libra de cerdo molido
2 huevos
¼ taza de leche
2 dientes de ajo, picados
1½ cucharada de condimento italiano
1½ cucharadita de sal
½ cucharadita de pimienta negra
¼ de taza de perejil fresco, picado
⅔ taza de pan rallado estilo italiano
salsa dominical
2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
2 libras de costillas cortas
2 libras de salchicha italiana (picante o dulce)
1 cebolla amarilla mediana, picada
2 zanahorias ralladas
6 dientes de ajo, picados
1 taza de vino tinto
3 latas (28oz) de tomates San Marzano enteros con su jugo, triturados a mano
6 onzas de pasta de tomate
3 tazas de agua
1 taza de hojas de albahaca fresca, envasadas
1 ramita de romero
2 hojas de laurel
1 cucharada de orégano seco
sal al gusto
Pimienta al gusto


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